There is a day in many men’s lives when you stand in the shower and realize you can no longer see the lower part of your body, because your stomach is in the way.

A beer stall, although not always caused by excessive beer intake, catches many men off guard: as we get older and become physically less active and change our metabolism, extra fat begins to build up our drugs – leading to the notorious and unobtrusive bierboep.

However, fat around the stomach not only makes you look less attractive, it also involves considerable medical hazards, including an increased risk of:

heart disease
high blood pressure
increased cholesterol
sleep apnea
gall bladder problems
All of these conditions should be enough motivation for you to get rid of your “magic”. The good news is that you can grasp it with just a little time and determination. Here are five top tips to help you claim the battle – and win.

1. Limit your drink intake

Beer can be fun, but it also contains a lot of empty calories. The alcohol and sugar in beer tends to slow down your metabolism, causing an increase in fat around your stomach. What makes things worse is that the hops in your favorite brew contain an estrogenic composition that can lead to a hormonal imbalance and fat build-up. It is known that alcohol can reduce your fat burning ability by more than 30%.

I don’t want to go so far as to suggest that you completely stop enjoying beer and other alcoholic beverages, but you should definitely consider switching to light beer and lowering your overall alcohol intake if you have a change want to bring about the extent of your stomach.

2. Cardiovascular and aerobic exercise

Before you start building muscles and strengthening your abdominal muscles, you must first get rid of the fat. The most effective way to lose fat all over your body, including your stomach, is to start and maintain a regular cardiovascular and aerobic exercise program. Anything that can get your heart pumped, your blood flowing, and your breathing will work: walking, swimming, running, cycling, soccer, tennis, squash, jumping, spinning, interval exercise, rowing. .. your options are endless.